Advanced Engine Performance Diagnosis

7th Edition

James Halderman; Curt Ward
eISBN-13: 9780134985701

eBook Features

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Additional Book Details

<p>This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.</p> For courses in engine performance and drivability, fuel emissions systems, and automotive principles.<br>This text is part of the Pearson Automotive Series.<br><br>Preparing today’s automotive students for career success!<br>Market-leading Advanced Engine Performance Diagnosis has been fully updated and expanded to address the latest technology and automotive systems. Written to meet the needs of a second semester Engine Performance (A8) course, it covers many tasks of the ASE A8 content area as well as topics to prepare students for the ASE Advanced Level Engine Performance (L1) certification test. Each chapter includes practical examples and step-by-step photo sequences covering terminology, best practices, and on-the-job procedures. The 7th edition has enhanced chapters on oscilloscopes and DSOs, plus over 75 new full color photos and line drawings. New content includes many case studies that include the “Three Cs” (Complaint, Cause and Correction), plus new content on immobilizer systems, and module programming.</p>

Sold By Pearson Education
ISBNs 0134893492, 9780134893495, 0134985702, 9780134985701, 9780136876519
Language English
Edition 7th