Introduction to Ethics, An

1st Edition

Kevin Gibson
eISBN-13: 9780133769319

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<p>This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.</p>  </p> Provides a lively and accessible introduction to ethical theory</p>  </p> An Introduction to Ethics provides readers with the guiding critical questions needed to be considered in our decision making. Students learn about the principles we apply to direct our behavior. The text enhances readers’ abilities to form arguments and conclusions, developing a systematic and coherent ethical view of their own.</p>  </p>  </p>

Sold By Pearson Education
ISBNs 9780133769319, 0205708544, 9780205708543, 9780205987474, 0133769313, 9780205485949
Language English
Number of Pages 288
Edition 1st