Phlebotomy Handbook

10th Edition

Blood Specimen Collection from Basic to Advanced

Diana Garza; Kathleen Becan-McBride EdD, MLS (ASCP) CM
eISBN-13: 9780134709505

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For courses in phlebotomy.

Most comprehensive phlebotomy guide available
Phlebotomy Handbook: Blood Specimen Collection from Basic to Advanced links students and health care professionals to the latest information on safe, effective blood collection. Progressing from simple concepts to complex competencies, the text covers all of the communication, clinical, technical, and safety skills that any health care worker will use in the practice of phlebotomy and other specimen-collection procedures. The 10th edition aligns the text with entry-level competencies of the NAACLS. A DVD video library demonstrating procedures described in this text is available in Pearson’s Instructor Resource Center.

Sold By Pearson Education
ISBNs 0134709322, 0134709500, 9780134709505
Language English
Number of Pages 673
Edition 10th